- Asc
- ByteToBin
- ByteToHex
- ByteToString
- Chr
- Fill
- IntegerToBin
- IntegerToHex
- IntegerToString
- Instr
- LCase
- Left
- LeftPad
- Len
- LongToBin
- LongToHex
- LongToString
- Ltrim
- Mid
- Pad
- Right
- Rtrim
- Trim
- UCase
- SingleToBin
- SingleToHex
- SingleToString
- StringToByte
- StringToLong
- StringToSingle
- StringToWord
- ULongIntToBin
- WordToBin
- WordToHex
- WordToString
- Concatenation
- Deprecated string functions.
This is the String Manipulation section of the Help file. Please refer the sub-sections for details using the contents/folder view.