

    FVRInitialize ( FVR_OFF | FVR_1x | FVR_2x | FVR_4x  )

Command Availability:

Available on all Microchip microcontrollers with the Fixed Voltage Reference (FVR) module.


The method is a subroutine that sets the state of the FVR.   

FVR_Off =  Fixed Voltage Reference is set to OFF

FVR_1x  =  Fixed Voltage Reference is set to 1.024v

FVR_2x  =  Fixed Voltage Reference is set to 2.048v

FVR_4x  =  Fixed Voltage Reference is set to 4.096v

Using the the following device’s datasheet, as a general case,    http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/40001419F.pdf    that can be downloaded from the device’s page,   http://www.microchip.com/wwwproducts/en/pic16f1828 parameter AD06 in table 30-8 at page 359, and the corresponding Note 4, tell us that the Vref voltage (Vref+ minus Vref-) should not be less than 1.8V, regardless of the reference voltage used, in order for the ADC module to work within the datasheet specifications.   Also, as Vref- cannot be a negative voltage (voltages below GND) the lowest voltage on it is 0V.   Then an FVR of 1.024V cannot be used as VREF+ for the ADC, but only 2.048 and 4.098 values.

The 1.024V FVR value exists for usage with other modules not just the ADC module.


    '// use FVR 4096 as Reference
    FVRInitialize ( FVR_4x )
    wait while FVRIsOutputReady = false
    ADVal = ReadAd(AN0)

    '// Turn off FVR
    FVRInitialize ( FVR_Off )

For more help, see FVRIsOutputReady