

Used as subroutine:

    HSerReceive (user_byte_variable)

or, if other multiple comports are in use, set the comport before using HSerReceive.

    comport = 1   '(1|2|3|4|5)Not needed unless using multiple comports in use
    HSerReceive (_user_byte_variable_)

or, used as function.

  user_byte_variable = HSerReceive  'Supports only USART1
  user_byte_variable = HSerReceive1 'Supports only USART1
  user_byte_variable = HSerReceive2 'Supports only USART2

or, used to support assigning of received byte to word (or other multi-byte variables).  Note the use of casting to ensure the HSerReceive uses byte addressing.

  Dim dbAdr as Word

  HSerReceive [byte]dbAdr_H
  HSerReceive [byte]dbAdr

For other comports use Function HSerReceiveFrom

Command Availability:

Available on all microcontrollers with a USART or UART module.

Microchip PIC supports USART1,2,3,4 and 5.
Atmel AVR supports USART 1,2,3 and 4.

Enabling Constants:

To enable the use of the USART these are the enabling constants.   These constants are required.  You can change the USART_BAUD_RATE and to meet your needs.  For addition USART ports use #define USARTn_BAUD_RATE 9600 where n` is the required port number.

    'USART settings for USART1
    #define USART_BAUD_RATE 9600       'Set the baud rate
    #define USART_TX_BLOCKING          'Ensure the transmit buffer is empty
    #define USART_BLOCKING             'Ensures a data byte is in the receive buffer
    #define USART_DELAY OFF	       'Disables USART delays


This command will read a byte from the hardware RS232 module. It can be used either as a subroutine or as a function. If used as a subroutine, a variable must be supplied to store the received value in. If used as a function, it will return the received value.

The subroutine HSerReceive can get a byte from any comport but must set the comport number immediately before the call. If ”#define USART_BLOCKING” is defined then the HserReceive waits in a loop until it receives a byte. If” #define USART_BLOCKING” is NOT defined then HserReceive returns the new byte that was received OR returns 255 because of “DefaultUsartReturnValue = 255” was defined. This is good because it don’t hold up your program from executing other commands and your can check it for new data priodically.


  'This program will read a value from the USART, and send it to PORTB.

  #chip 16F877A, 20

  'USART settings
  #define USART_BAUD_RATE 9600  'sets up comport 1 for 9600 baud

  'Set PORTB to output
  Dir PORTB Out
  'Set USART receive pin to input
  Dir PORTC.7 In

  'Main loop
    'Get serial data and output value to PortB as 8 bit binary
    HSerReceive(InChar)  'Receive data as Subroutine from comport 1
    'InChar = HSerReceive  'Could also be written as Function
    If InChar <> 255 Then   'If value is 255 then it is old data
      PortB = InChar    'If new data then it goes to PortB
    End If

Example 2:

  'If you choose no “Blocking” and comment both of them out.
  'USART settings
  #define USART_BAUD_RATE 9600
  '#define USART_BLOCKING        ' just none OR one of the blocking
  '#define USART_TX_BLOCKING    ' statements should be defined

  'Main loop
    'Get and display value
    'If there is no new data, HSerReceive will return default value.
    comport = 1
    HSerReceive tempvalue
    If tempvalue <> 255    Then    ‘ don’t change PortB if it is default
      PortB = tempvalue
    End If


Example 3:

  'If you choose no “Blocking” and comment both of them out.
  #chip mega328p, 16

  #define USART_BAUD_RATE 9600

  'Don't forget to Set usart pin directions
  Dir PortD.1 Out    'com1   USART0
  Dir PortD.0 In

  Wait 1 s

  'Message after reset
  HSerPrint "ATmega328P  com test"

  'Main routine  hook up FTDI232 usb to serial and use terminal program to check
    comport = 1
    HSerReceive(InChar)    'Subroutine needs the comport set
    'InChar = HSerReceive    ' This function will get from comport 1
      If InChar <> 255 Then    ' check if for received byte
                  'return 255 if old data
        HSerSend InChar    'send back char to UART
      End If
  Goto Start

See also RS232 Hardware Overview