This section covers GLCD devices that use the ST7789 graphics controller. The ST7789 is a TFT LCD Single Chip Driver with 240x240 or 320x240 Resolution and 65K colors.
GCBASIC supports 65K-color mode operations.
The GCBASIC constants shown below control the configuration of the ST7789 controller. GCBASIC supports SPI hardware and software connectivity - this is shown in the tables below.
To use the ST7789 driver simply include the following in your user code. This will initialise the driver.
#include <glcd.h> #DEFINE GLCD_TYPE GLCD_TYPE_ST7789_240_240 // #DEFINE GLCD_TYPE GLCD_TYPE_ST7789_320_240 'Pin mappings for ST7789 - these MUST be specified #define GLCD_DC porta.0 'example port setting #define GLCD_RESET porta.2 'example port setting #define GLCD_DO porta.4 'example port setting #define GLCD_SCK porta.5 'example port setting 'Optional to use the following - please check the datasheet for the specific GLCD. #define GLCD_CS porta.1 'example port setting #define GLCD_DI porta.3 'example port setting
The GCBASIC constants for the interface to the controller are shown in the table below.
Constants | Controls | Options |
Select one option to set geometry |
Specifies the output pin that is connected to Data/Command IO pin on the GLCD. |
Required |
Specifies the output pin that is connected to Reset pin on the GLCD. |
Required |
Specifies the output pin that is connected to Data Out (GLCD in) pin on the GLCD. |
Required |
Specifies the output pin that is connected to Clock (CLK) pin on the GLCD. |
Required |
Specifies the output pin that is connected to Data In (GLCD out) pin on the GLCD. |
Optional |
Specifies the output pin that is connected to Chip Select (CS) on the GLCD. |
Optional |
Specifies the speed of the SPI communications for Hardware SPI only. |
Optional defaults to MASTERFAST. Options are MASTERSLOW, |
The GCBASIC constants for control display characteristics are shown in the table below.
Constants | Controls | Default |
The width parameter of the GLCD |
The height parameter of the GLCD |
Specifies the font width of the GCBASIC font set. |
Specifies the use of the optional OLED font set. The GLCDfntDefaultsize can be set to 1 or 2 only.
Optional |
The GCBASIC commands supported for this GLCD are shown in the table below. Always review the appropiate library for the latest full set of supported commands.
Command | Purpose | Example |
Clear screen of GLCD |
Print string of characters on GLCD using GCB font set |
Print character on GLCD using GCB font set |
Print characters on GLCD using GCB font set |
Draw a box on the GLCD to a specific size |
Draw a box on the GLCD to a specific size that is filled with the foreground colour. |
Draw a line on the GLCD to a specific length that is filled with the specific attribute. |
Set a pixel on the GLCD at a specific position that is set with the specific attribute. |
Set a byte value to the controller, see the datasheet for usage. |
Read a byte value from the controller, see the datasheet for usage. |
Rotate the display |
Specify color as a parameter for many GLCD commands |
Color constants for this device are shown in the list below. |
Read the pixel color at the specified XY coordination. Returns long variable with Red, Green and Blue encoded in the lower 24 bits. |
ReadPixel( Xosition , Yposition ) or ReadPixel_ST7789( Xosition , Yposition ) Any color can be defined using a valid hexidecimal word value between 0x0000 to 0xFFFF. |
This example shows how to drive a ST7789 based Graphic LCD module with the built in commands of GCBASIC.
The library support PIC, AVR and LGT - change to suit your configuration.
Example #1
#chip LGT8F328P #include <LGT8F328P.h> #option explicit #include <glcd.h> #include <glcd_st7789.h> #define ST7789_HardwareSPI #define HWSPIMode MASTERULTRAFAST // Can be either pixels geometry #define GLCD_TYPE GLCD_TYPE_ST7789_240_240 //#define GLCD_TYPE GLCD_TYPE_ST7789_320_240 //Pin mappings for SPI - this GLCD driver supports Hardware SPI and Software SPI #define GLCD_DC DIGITAL_8 ' Data command line #define GLCD_CS DIGITAL_10 ' Chip select line #define GLCD_RESET DIGITAL_9 ' Reset line #define GLCD_DI DIGITAL_12 ' Data in | MISO - Not used therefore not really required #define GLCD_DO DIGITAL_11 ' Data out | MOSI #define GLCD_SCK DIGITAL_13 ' Clock Line #define GLCD_EXTENDEDFONTSET1 GLCDBackground = TFT_BLACK GLCDCLS TFT_BLACK GLCDfntDefaultsize = 2 GLCDRotate Portrait_Rev GLCDPrint (0,0,"Hello World",TFT_GREEN) GLCDRotate Portrait GLCDPrint (0,0,"Hello World",TFT_GREEN) GLCDROTATE Landscape GLCDPrint (0,0,"Hello World",TFT_GREEN) GLCDROTATE Landscape_Rev GLCDPrint (0,0,"Hello World",TFT_GREEN)
Example #2
This example shows how to drive a ST7789 using a PIC with PPS.
#chip 16F15376 #option Explicit #startup InitPPS, 85 Sub InitPPS #ifdef ST7789_HardwareSPI 'This #ifdef is added to enable easy change from hardware SPI (using PPS) to software PPS that just uses the port assignments shown below. SSP1CLKPPS = 0x1 //RC3->MSSP1:SCK1 RC3PPS = 0x15 //RC3->MSSP1:SCK1 RC5PPS = 0x16 //RC5->MSSP1:SDO1 SSP1DATPPS = 0x14 //RC4->MSSP1:SDI1 #endif End Sub ' ********************** Setup the GLCD ************************************************ #INCLUDE <glcd.h> #define GLCD_TYPE GLCD__TYPE_ST7789_240_240 // #define GLCD_TYPE GLCD__TYPE_ST7789_320_240 'This is a PPS chip, so, need to make the DO/SDO & SCK match the PPS assignments #DEFINE GLCD_DO portC.5 #DEFINE GLCD_SCK portC.3 'Additinal pin assignments for GLCD #DEFINE GLCD_DC portA.4 #DEFINE GLCD_RESET portA.1 'It is optional on the ST7789 to set the GLCD_CS... therefore, here but commented out '#DEFINE GLCD_CS porte.0 'Uncomment out the next line... enable or disable the PPS!!! #DEFINE ST7789_HardwareSPI ' remove/comment out if you want to use software SPI.0 ' ********************** DEMO REALLY STARTS HERE ************************************************ GLCDPrint(0, 0, "Test of the ST7789 Device") end
Example #3
This example shows how to drive a ILI3941 with the OLED fonts. Note the use of the GLCDfntDefaultSize
to select the size of the OLED font in use.
#define GLCD_OLED_FONT 'The constant is required to support OLED fonts GLCDfntDefaultSize = 2 GLCDFontWidth = 5 GLCDPrint ( 40, 0, "OLED" ) GLCDPrint ( 0, 18, "Typ: ST7789" ) GLCDPrint ( 0, 34, "Size: "+ Str(GLCD_WIDTH) +" x 240" ) GLCDfntDefaultSize = 1 GLCDPrint(20, 56,"")
Example #4
This example shows how to disable the large OLED Fontset. This disables the font to reduce memory usage.
When the extended OLED fontset is disabled every character will be shown as a block character.
#define GLCD_OLED_FONT 'The constant is required to support OLED fonts #define GLCD_Disable_OLED_FONT2 'The constant to disable the extended OLED fontset. GLCDfntDefaultSize = 2 GLCDFontWidth = 5 GLCDPrint ( 40, 0, "OLED" ) GLCDPrint ( 0, 18, "Typ: ST7789" ) GLCDPrint ( 0, 34, "Size: "+ Str(GLCD_WIDTH) +" x 240" ) GLCDfntDefaultSize = 1 GLCDPrint(20, 56,"")
For more help, see GLCDCLS, GLCDDrawChar, GLCDPrint, GLCDReadByte, GLCDWriteByte or Pset
Supported in <GLCD.H>