#Option Required


    #option REQUIRED PIC|AVR CONSTANT %message.dat entry%
    #option REQUIRED PIC|AVR CONSTANT "Message string"

This option ensure that the specific CONSTANT exists within a library to ensure a specific capability is available with the microcontroller.


This is for developers only.

This will cause the compiler check the CONSTANT is a non zero value.  If the CONSTANT does not exist it will be treated as a zero value.


This example tests the CONSTANT CHIPUSART for both the PIC and AVR microcontrollers.  If the CONSTANT is zero or does not exist then the string will be displayed as an error message.

    #option REQUIRED PIC CHIPUSART "Hardware Serial operations. Remove USART commands to resolve errors."
    #option REQUIRED AVR CHIPUSART "Hardware Serial operations. Remove USART commands to resolve errors."