
    PWMOut channel, duty cycle, cycles

Command Availability:

Available on all microcontrollers. This method does NOT require a PWM module within the microcontroller.

This command uses a software PWM routine within GCBASIC to produce a PWM signal on the selected port of the chip.

The method PWMOut does not make use of any special hardware within the microcontroller. The PWM signal is generated only while the PWMOut command is executing - therefore, when the PWMOut is not executing by moving onto the next command, the PWM signal will stop.

Explanation :

channel sets the channel that the PWM is to be generated on. This must have been defined previously by setting the constants PWM_Out1

PWM_Out2, PWM_Out3 or PWM_Out4. The maximum number of channels available is 4.

duty cycle specifies the PWM duty cycle, and ranges from 0 to 255. 255 corresponds to 100%, 127 to 50%, 63 to 25%, and so on.

cycles is used to set the amount of PWM pulses to supply. This is useful for situations in which a pulse of a specific length is required.

The formula for calculating the time taken for one cycle is:

    TCYCLE = (28 + 10C)TOSC+ (255 * PWM_Delay)


   -C is the number of channels used
   -TOSC is the length of time taken to execute 1 instruction on the chip (0.2 us on a 20 MHz chip, 1 us on a 4 Mhz chip)
   -PWM_Delay is a length of time specified using the PWM_Delay constant

Example 1 :

    'This program controls the brightness of an LED on PORTB.0
    'using the software PWM routine and a potentiometer.
    #chip 16f877a, 20

    ; ----- Constants
    'PWM constant. This is a required constant.
    #define PWM_Out1 portb.0

    ; ---- Optional Constant to add an delay after PWM pulse
    ''#Define PWM_Delay 1 us

    ; ----- Define Hardware settings
    'PWM port out.  This is not required but good practice.
    dir PWM_Out1 out

    'A potentiometer is attached to ANO

    ; ----- Variables
    ' No Variables specified in this example.

    ; ----- Main body of program commences here.
          '100 cycles is a purely arbitrary value as the loop will maintain a relatively constant PWM
          PWMOut 1, ReadAD(AN0), 100


Example 2 :

    'This program controls the brightness of an LED on gpio.1
    'using the software PWM routine and a potentiometer.
    #chip 12f675, 4

    ; ----- Constants
      'PWM constant. This is a required constant.
      #define PWM_Out1 gpio.1

    ; ----- Define Hardware settings
      'PWM port out.  This is not required but good practice.
      dir PWM_Out1 out

      'A potentiometer is attached to ANO

    ; ----- Variables
      ' No Variables specified in this example.

    ; ----- Main body of program commences here.
          '100 cycles is a purely arbitrary value
            PWMOut 1, ReadAD(AN0), 100