About Alloc
Alloc creates a special type of variable - an array variant. This array variant can store values. The values stored in this array variant must be of the same type.
Essentially, ALLOCate will reserve a memory range as described by the given layout that can be used as a RAM buffer or as an array variant.
Dim variable_name as ALLOC * memory_size at memory_location
The allocated block of memory will not be initialized.
Example Usage:
Dim my256bytebuffer as alloc * 256 at 0x2400
There is a pointer to allocated memory. Use @variable_name.
Example Pointer
HSerPrint @my256bytebuffer
This method can be unsafe because undefined behaviour can result if the caller does not ensure that buffer extents are not maintained. Buffer extents are 0 (zero) to the memory_size - 1
Example Extents:
my256bytebuffer(0) = some_variable. Will address location 0x2400 my256bytebuffer(255) = some_variable. Will address location 0x24FF ' the 256th byte of the allocated memory
Implementers of ALLOC must ensure memory constraints remain true.
This method is unsafe because undefined behaviour can result if the caller does not ensure that buffer extents are not maintained. If buffer extents are exceeded the program may address areas of memory that have adverse impact on the operation of the microcontroller.
Examples of unsafe usage:
my256bytebuffer(256) = some_variable. Will address location 0x2500 ' this is the first byte of BUFFER RAM on the 18FxxQ43 chips... bad things may happen my256bytebuffer(65535) = some_variable. Will address location 0x123FF ' this is the beyond the memory limit and the operation will write an SFR.
Example Program
The following example program shows the ALLOCation of a 256 byte buffer at a specific address. The array variant is then populated with data and then shown on a serial terminal.
' Chip Settings and preamble #CHIP 18F27Q43 #OPTION EXPLICIT 'Generated by PIC PPS Tool for GCBASIC - this explicit to a specific chip #startup InitPPS, 85 #define PPSToolPart 18f27q43 Sub InitPPS 'Module: UART pin directions Dir PORTC.6 Out ' Make TX1 pin an output 'Module: UART1 RC6PPS = 0x0020 'TX1 > RC6 End Sub 'Template comment at the end of the config file ' USART settings for USART1 #DEFINE USART_BAUD_RATE 9600 #DEFINE USART_TX_BLOCKING #DEFINE USART_DELAY 0 '--------------------------- ' Main Program #DEFINE BUFFERSIZE 256 ' gives range of 0 to 255 'DIMension an ArrayVariant using ALLOC to create an ArrayVariant with the size of BUFFERSIZE. 'This array is created at memory location 0x2400. 'This memory location is specific to this chip ( you must ensure other microcontrollers address are valid). Dim mybuffer1 as ALLOC * BUFFERSIZE at 0x2400 'A data table Table myDataTable 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0x0A,0X0B,0X0C,0X0D,0X0E,0X0F 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0x0A,0X0B,0X0C,0X0D,0X0E,0X0F 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0x0A,0X0B,0X0C,0X0D,0X0E,0X0F 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0x0A,0X0B,0X0C,0X0D,0X0E,0X0F 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0x0A,0X0B,0X0C,0X0D,0X0E,0X0F 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0x0A,0X0B,0X0C,0X0D,0X0E,0X0F 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0x0A,0X0B,0X0C,0X0D,0X0E,0X0F 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0x0A,0X0B,0X0C,0X0D,0X0E,0X0F 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0x0A,0X0B,0X0C,0X0D,0X0E,0X0F 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0x0A,0X0B,0X0C,0X0D,0X0E,0X0F 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0x0A,0X0B,0X0C,0X0D,0X0E,0X0F 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0x0A,0X0B,0X0C,0X0D,0X0E,0X0F 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0x0A,0X0B,0X0C,0X0D,0X0E,0X0F 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0x0A,0X0B,0X0C,0X0D,0X0E,0X0F 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0x0A,0X0B,0X0C,0X0D,0X0E,0X0F 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0x0A,0X0B,0X0C,0X0D,0X0E,0X0F End Table Dim iLoop, tableDataValue, memoryDataValue as byte 'These varaibles are ONLY used to demonstrate the showing of the allocated memory address Dim mybuffer1startaddress, mybuffer1endaddress as word mybuffer1startaddress = @mybuffer1 mybuffer1endaddress = mybuffer1startaddress + BUFFERSIZE - 1 HSerPrintCRLF 2 HSerPrint "Buffer test - 256 bytes " HSerPrint " at address: 0x" HSerPrint hex( mybuffer1startaddress_h ) HSerPrint hex( mybuffer1startaddress ) HSerPrint " to 0x" HSerPrint hex( mybuffer1endaddress_h ) HSerPrint hex( mybuffer1endaddress ) HSerPrintCRLF 2 'Load buffer with table data for iLoop = 0 to 255 ReadTable myDataTable, [word]iLoop+1, tableDataValue mybuffer1( iLoop ) = tableDataValue next wait 100 ms HserPrint "Print dataDump array to serial terminal" HSerPrintCRLF for iLoop = 0 to 255 HSerPrint leftpad(str( myBuffer1(iLoop)),3) If iLoop % 16 = 15 Then HSerPrintCRLF next Wait 100 ms HSerPrintCRLF HserPrint "Print memory to serial terminal using PEEK to get the memory location byte value" HSerPrintCRLF for iLoop = 0 to 255 memoryDataValue = PEEK ( @myBuffer1+iLoop ) HSerPrint leftpad(str( memoryDataValue ) ,3) If iLoop % 16 = 15 Then HSerPrintCRLF next HSerPrintCRLF Wait 100 ms
For more help, see Declaring arrays with DIM