

    Locate Line, Column

Command Availability:

Available on all microcontrollers.


The Locate command is used to move the cursor on the LCD to the given location.

Line is line number on the LCD display. A byte value from 0 to 255.

Column is column number on the LCD display. A byte value from 0 to 255.

Example :

    'A Hello World program for GCBASIC.
    'Uses Locate to show "World" on the second line

    'General hardware configuration
    #chip 16F877A, 20

    'LCD connection settings
    #define LCD_IO 8
    #define LCD_WIDTH 20                ;specified lcd width for clarity only.  20 is the default width
    #define LCD_RS PORTD.0
    #define LCD_RW PORTD.1
    #define LCD_Enable PORTD.2

    'Main routine
    Print "Hello"
    Locate 1, 5
    Print "World"

For more help, see LCD Overview

Supported in <LCD.H>