HSerPrint user_value [,1|2|3|4] 'Choose comport with optional parameter
'Default comport is 1
'Send a series of ASCII characters using the buffer called SerialPacket
Dim SerialPacket as Alloc
SerialPacket = 66, 105, 108, 108, 38, 69, 118, 97, 110, 13, 10
HserPrint ( SerialPacket, 1 ) ’explicit to comport 1
SerialPacket = 66,44,73,44,82,13,10
HserPrint ( SerialPacket ) ’defaults to comport 1
Command Availability:
Available on all microcontrollers with a USART or UART module.
Microchip PIC supports USART1 and 2.
Atmel AVR supports USART 1,2,3 and 4.
Enabling Constants:
To enable the use of the USART these are the enabling constants. These constants are required. You can change the USART_BAUD_RATE
and to meet your needs. For addition USART ports use #define USARTn_BAUD_RATE 9600
where n`
is the required port number.
'USART settings for USART1 #define USART_BAUD_RATE 9600 #define USART_TX_BLOCKING #define USART_DELAY OFF
is used to send a value over the serial connection. user_value
can be a string, integer, long, word or byte. HSerPrint
is very similar
to Print
. The data will be sent out the hardware serial module.
will not send any new line characters. If the chip is sending
to a terminal, these commands should follow every HSerPrint
HSerPrint 13 HSerPrint 10
'This program will display any values received over the serial 'connection. If "pot" is received, the value of the analog sensor 'will be sent. 'Note: This has been adapted from the SerPrint example. 'Chip settings #chip 18F2525, 8 'LCD settings #define LCD_IO 4 #define LCD_WIDTH 20 ;specified lcd width for clarity only. 20 is the default width #define LCD_RS PORTC.7 #define LCD_RW PORTC.6 #define LCD_Enable PORTC.5 #define LCD_DB4 PORTC.4 #define LCD_DB5 PORTC.3 #define LCD_DB6 PORTC.2 #define LCD_DB7 PORTC.1 'USART settings #define USART_BAUD_RATE 9600 #define USART_TX_BLOCKING #define USART_DELAY OFF 'Potentiometer #define POT_PORT PORTA.0 #define POT_AN AN0 'Set pin directions Dir POT_PORT In 'Create buffer variables to store received messages Dim Buffer As String Dim OldBuffer As String BufferSize = 0 'Show test messages Print "Serial Tester" Wait 1 s HSerPrint "GCBASIC RS232 Test" HSerSend 13 HSerSend 10 Wait 1 s 'Main loop Do 'Get a byte from the terminal HSerReceive Temp 'If Enter key was pressed, deal with buffer contents If Temp = 13 Then Buffer(0) = BufferSize 'Try to execute commands in buffer If Not ExecCommand (Buffer) Then 'Show message on bottom line, last message on top. CLS Print OldBuffer Locate 1, 0 Print Buffer 'Store the message for next time OldBuffer = Buffer End If BufferSize = 0 End If 'Backspace code, delete last character in buffer If Temp = 8 Then If BufferSize > 0 Then BufferSize -= 1 End If 'Received ASCII code between 32 and 127, add to buffer If Temp >= 32 And Temp <= 127 Then BufferSize += 1 Buffer(BufferSize) = Temp End If Loop 'Takes a sensor reading and sends it to terminal Sub SendSensorReading HSerPrint "Sensor Reading: " HSerPrint ReadAD10(POT_AN) HSerSend 13 HSerSend 10 End Sub 'Will check the buffer for a command 'If command found, run it and return true 'If not, return false Function ExecCommand (CmdIn As String) ExecCommand = False 'If received command is "pot", show potentiometer value If CmdIn = "pot" Then SendSensorReading ExecCommand = True End If End Function
For more help, see also HserPrintByteCRLF, HserPrintStringCRLF and HserPrintCRLF