

    EPRead location, store

Command Availability:

Available on all Microchip PIC and Atmel AVR microcontrollers with EEPROM data memory.


EPRead is used to read information from the EEPROM data storage that many microcontroller chips are equipped with. location represents the location to read data from, and varies from one chip to another. store is the variable in which to store the data after it has been read from EEPROM.

Note Do not exceed the location ( also known as the EEProm address ) of the physical EEProm. If the EEProm size is 256 ensure location is in the range of 0 to 255; If the EEProm size is 512 ensure location is in the range of 0 to 511 and use a Word variable as the location parameter. Example:


    'Program to turn a light on and off
    'Will remember the last status

    #chip tiny2313, 1
    #define Button PORTB.0
    #define Light PORTB.1

    Dir Button In
    Dir Light Out

    'Load saved status
    EPRead 0, LightStatus

    If LightStatus = 0 Then
      Set Light Off
      Set Light On
    End If

      'Wait for the button to be pressed
      Wait While Button = On
      Wait While Button = Off
      'Toggle value, record
      LightStatus = !LightStatus
      EPWrite 0, LightStatus

      'Update light
      If LightStatus = 0 Then
        Set Light Off
        Set Light On
      End If

For more help, see EPWrite