
    'as a subroutine
    SAFRead ( location, data )

    'as a function
    data = SAFRead ( location )

Command Availability:

Available on all PIC micro-controllers with SAFM memory


SAFRead is used to read information, byte values, from SAFM, so that it can be accessed for use in a user program.

location represents the location or relative address to read. The location will range from location 0 to SAF_BYTES - 1. This cab be from 0-127 or 0-255m depending upon the specific device. HEF_BYTES is a GCBASIC constant that represents the number of bytes of SAF Memory.   

data is the data that is to be read from the SAFM data storage area.    This can be a byte value or a byte variable.

This method reads data from SAFM given the specific relative location.    This method is similar to the EPRead method for EEPROM.

Example 1:

    '... code preamble to select part
    '... code to setup serial
    '... code to setup PPS

    'The following example reads the SAFM data value into the byte variable “byte_value” using a subroutine.

    Dim data_byte as byte

    ;Write a byte of data to SAF Location 34
    SAFWrite( 34, 144)

    ;Read the byte back from SAF location 34
    byte_value = SAFread( 34 )

    ;Display the data on a terminal
    HserPrint "byte_value = "
    Hserprint byte_value

Example 2:

    '... code preamble to select part
    '... code to setup serial
    '... code to setup PPS

    'The following example reads the SAFM data value into the byte variable “byte_value” using a function.

    Dim data_byte as byte

    ;Write a byte of Data to SAF Location 34
    SAFWrite( 34, 144)

    ;Read the byte back from SAF location 34
    byte_value = SAFread( 34 )

    ;Display the data on a terminal
    HserPrint "byte_value = "
    Hserprint byte_value

See also SAFM Overview, SAFRead, SAFReadWord, SAFWrite, SAFWriteWord, SAFReadBlock, SAFWriteBlock, SAFEraseBlock