Syntax: Deprecated use ByteToString()
stringvar = Str(number) 'supports decimal byte and word strings only. 'Use the following to support decimal long number strings. stringvar = Str32(long number) 'supports decimal long number strings. 'Use the following to support decimal integer number strings. stringvar = StrInteger(integer number) ' decimal integer number strings.
Command Availability:
Available on all microcontrollers
The Str
function will convert a number into a string. number
can be any byte or word variable, or a fixed number between 0 and 65535 inclusive. For Long numbers use Str32
and for Integer numbers use StrInteger
The string variable stringvar
will contain the same number, represented as a string. The length of the string returned is 5, 10 or 6 characters for Byte
& Word, Long and Integer respectively.
This function is especially useful if a number needs to added to the end of a string, or if a custom data sending routine
has been created but only supports the output of string variables.
These methods will not support conversion of hexadecimal number strings.
'Set chip model #chip 16F1936 'Set up hardware serial connection #define USART_BAUD_RATE 9600 #define USART_TX_BLOCKING 'Take an A/D reading SensorReading = ReadAD(AN0) 'Create a string variable Dim OutVar As String 'Fill string with sensor reading OutVar = Str(SensorReading) 'Send HSerPrint OutVar HSerPrintCRLF When using the functions STR() do not leave space between the function call and the left brace. You will get a compiler error that is meaningless. ' use this, note this is no space between the STR and the left brace! STR(number_variable) ' do not use, note the space! STR (number_variable)
''' ''' ''' ''' '''************************************************************************ ''' ''' PIC: 16F18855 ''' Compiler: GCB ''' IDE: GCode ''' ''' Board: Xpress Evaluation Board ''' Date: June 2021 ''' ' ----- Configuration 'Chip Settings. #chip 16f18855,32 #Config CLRE_ON #option Explicit ; ----- Define Hardware settings '' -------------------LATA----------------- '' Bit#: -7---6---5---4---3---2---1---0--- '' LED: ---------------|D5 |D4 |D3 |D2 |- ''----------------------------------------- '' 'Set the PPS of the RS232 ports. UNLOCKPPS RC0PPS = 0x0010 'RC0->EUSART:TX; RXPPS = 0x0011 'RC1->EUSART:RX; LOCKPPS ; ----- Constants #define USART_BAUD_RATE 19200 #define USART_TX_BLOCKING #define LEDD2 PORTA.0 #define LEDD3 PORTA.1 #define LEDD4 PORTA.2 #define LEDD5 PORTA.3 Dir LEDD2 OUT Dir LEDD3 OUT Dir LEDD4 OUT Dir LEDD5 OUT #define Potentiometer PORTA.4 DIR Potentiometer In #define SWITCH_DOWN 0 #define SWITCH_UP 1 #define SWITCH PORTA.5 Dir SWITCH In ; ----- Variables dim bytevar as Byte dim wordvar as Word dim longvar as long dim integervarP, integervarN,integervar as Integer ; ----- Main body of program commences here. bytevar = 0xff wordvar = 0xffff longvar = 0xffffffff integervarP = 127 integervarN = -127 integervar = 0 do wait 100 ms HSerPrint str( bytevar ) HSerPrintCRLF HSerPrint str( wordvar ) HSerPrintCRLF HSerPrint str32( longvar ) HSerPrintCRLF HSerPrint StrInteger( integervarP ) HSerPrintCRLF HSerPrint StrInteger( integervarN ) HSerPrintCRLF HSerPrint StrInteger( integervar ) HSerPrintCRLF wait 100 ms HSerPrintCRLF wait 1 s loop end ; ----- Support methods. Subroutines and Functions