Print string Print byte Print word Print long Print integer
Command Availability:
Available on all microcontrollers.
The Print command will show the contents of a variable on the LCD. It can display string, word, byte, long or integer variables.
'A Light Meter program. 'General hardware configuration #chip 16F877A, 20 #define LightSensor AN0 'LCD connection settings #define LCD_IO 8 #define LCD_WIDTH 20 ;specified lcd width for clarity only. 20 is the default width #define LCD_DATA_PORT PORTC #define LCD_RS PORTD.0 #define LCD_RW PORTD.1 #define LCD_Enable PORTD.2 CLS Print "Light Meter" Locate 1,2 Print "A GCBASIC Demo" Wait 2 s Do CLS Print "Light Level: " Print ReadAD(LightSensor) Wait 250 ms Loop
For more help, see LCD Overview
Supported in <LCD.H>