HEFWrite ( location, data )
Command Availability:
Available on all PIC micro-controllers with HEFM memory
HEFWrite is used to write information, byte values, to HEFM so that it can be accessed later for use in a user program.
represents the location or relative address to write. The location will range from location 0 to HEF_BYTES - 1, or for all
practical purposes 0-127 since all PIC Microcontrollers with HEF support 128 bytes of HEF Memory. HEF_BYTES is a GCBASIC constant
that represents the number of bytes of HEF Memory.
is the data that is to be written to the HEFM location.
This can be a byte value or a byte variable.
This method writes information to the HEFM given the specific location.
This method is similar to the EPWrite method for EEPROM.
Example 1:
'... code preamble to select part '... code to setup serial 'The following example writes a byte value of 126 into HEFM location 34 HEFWrite( 34, 126 )
Example 2:
'... code preamble to select part '... code to setup serial 'This example will populate all 128 bytes of HEF memory with a value that is same as the HEFM location Dim Rel_Address, DataByte as Byte Dim NVM_Address as Long Dim DataWord, as Word Dim HEFaddress as Byte For Rel_Address = 0 to 127 HEFWrite ( Rel_Address, Rel_Address ) Next HEFM_DUMP End ; This subroutine displays the High Endurance Flash Memory on a terminal. ; Words are in reverse byte order relative to address. ; HEF data resides in the low byte of each 14bit program memory word. ; The high byte is not HEF and should always read "3F". Sub HEFM_DUMP Dim Blocknum as Byte NVM_Address = HEF_START_ADDR BlockNum = 0 Repeat HEF_BYTES ;128 If NVM_Address % HEF_ROWSIZE_BYTES = 0 then If BlockNum > 0 then HSERPRINTCRLF HSerprintCRLF HserPrint "Block" HSerprint BlockNum HSerprint " 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7" BlockNum++ End if IF NVM_Address % 8 = 0 then HSerPrintCRLF hserprint hex(NVM_Address_H) hserprint hex(NVM_ADDRESS) hserprint " " end if Rel_Address = (NVM_ADDRESS - HEF_START_ADDR) HEFRead(Rel_Address, DataWord) hserprint hex(DataWord_H) hserprint hex(DataWord) hserprint " " NVM_Address++ End Repeat HserPrintCRLF End sub
If example 2 were displayed on a serial terminal. The result would show:
Block0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3F80 3F00 3F01 3F02 3F03 3F04 3F05 3F06 3F07 3F88 3F08 3F09 3F0A 3F0B 3F0C 3F0D 3F0E 3F0F 3F90 3F10 3F11 3F12 3F13 3F14 3F15 3F16 3F17 3F98 3F18 3F19 3F1A 3F1B 3F1C 3F1D 3F1E 3F1F Block1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3FA0 3F20 3F21 3F22 3F23 3F24 3F25 3F26 3F27 3FA8 3F28 3F29 3F2A 3F2B 3F2C 3F2D 3F2E 3F2F 3FB0 3F30 3F31 3F32 3F33 3F34 3F35 3F36 3F37 3FB8 3F38 3F39 3F3A 3F3B 3F3C 3F3D 3F3E 3F3F Block2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3FC0 3F40 3F41 3F42 3F43 3F44 3F45 3F46 3F47 3FC8 3F48 3F49 3F4A 3F4B 3F4C 3F4D 3F4E 3F4F 3FD0 3F50 3F51 3F52 3F53 3F54 3F55 3F56 3F57 3FD8 3F58 3F59 3F5A 3F5B 3F5C 3F5D 3F5E 3F5F Block3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3FE0 3F60 3F61 3F62 3F63 3F64 3F65 3F66 3F67 3FE8 3F68 3F69 3F6A 3F6B 3F6C 3F6D 3F6E 3F6F 3FF0 3F70 3F71 3F72 3F73 3F74 3F75 3F76 3F77 3FF8 3F78 3F79 3F7A 3F7B 3F7C 3F7D 3F7E 3F7F
See also
HEFM Overview,