
    LCDCMD value

Command Availability:

Available on all microcontrollers.


This command set LCD specific instructions to the LCD display. As shown in the table below.

INSTRUCTION Decimal Hexadecimal

Scroll display one character right (all lines)



Scroll display one character left (all lines)



Home (move cursor to top/left character position)



Move cursor one character left



Move cursor one character right



Turn on visible underline cursor



Turn on visible blinking-block cursor



Make cursor invisible



Blank the display (without clearing)



Restore the display (with cursor hidden)



Clear Screen



Set cursor position (DDRAM address)

128 + addr

80+ addr

Set pointer in character-generator RAM (CG RAM address)

64 + addr

40+ addr

Example 1:

    ;Chip Settings
    #chip 16F88,8

    ;Defines (Constants)
    #define LCD_IO 4
    #define LCD_WIDTH 20                ;specified lcd width for clarity only.  20 is the default width
    #define LCD_RS PORTA.6
    #define LCD_NO_RW
    #define LCD_Enable PORTA.7
    #define LCD_DB4 PORTB.4
    #define LCD_DB5 PORTB.5
    #define LCD_DB6 PORTB.6
    #define LCD_DB7 PORTB.7

    Locate 0,0
    Print "Reset"
    wait 1 s


    locate 0,8
    print "123456"
    'Scroll display one character right (all lines)       28
    lcdcmd 28
    wait 1 s
    lcdcmd 28
    wait 1 s
    lcdcmd 28
    wait 1 s
    lcdcmd 28
    wait 1 s

    'Scroll display one character left (all lines)        24
    lcdcmd 24
    wait 1 s
    lcdcmd 24
    wait 1 s
    lcdcmd 24
    wait 1 s
    lcdcmd 24
    wait 1 s

    'Home (move cursor to top/left character position)    2
    lcdcursor flash
    lcdcmd 2
    wait 1 s

    'Move cursor one character left                       16
    lcdcursor flash
    locate 0,8

    lcdcmd 16
    wait 1 s
    lcdcmd 16
    wait 1 s
    lcdcmd 16
    wait 1 s
    lcdcmd 16
    wait 1 s

    'Move cursor one character right                      20
    lcdcmd 20
    wait 1 s
    lcdcmd 20
    wait 1 s
    lcdcmd 20
    wait 1 s
    lcdcmd 20
    wait 1 s

Example 2:

    #chip 16F877A,20
    #option Explicit

    'Use LCD in 4 pin mode and define LCD pins
    #define LCD_IO 4
    #define LCD_WIDTH 20                ;specified lcd width for clarity only.  20 is the default width
    #define LCD_RW PORTE.1
    #define LCD_RS PORTE.0
    #define LCD_Enable PORTE.2
    #define LCD_DB4 PORTD.4
    #define LCD_DB5 PORTD.5
    #define LCD_DB6 PORTD.6
    #define LCD_DB7 PORTD.7

    ;Here are various LCD commands which can be used.
    ;These are the LCD commands for the HD44780 controller
    #define clrHome = 1     ;clear the display, home the cursor
    #define home    = 2     ;home the cursor only
    #define RtoL    = 4     ;print characters right to left
    #define insR    = 5     ;insert characters to right
    #define LtoR    = 6     ;print characters left to right
    #define insL    = 7     ;insert characters to left
    #define lcdOff  = 8     ;LCD screen off
    #define lcdOn   = 12    ;LCD screen on, no cursor
    #define curOff  = 12    ;an alias for the above
    #define block   = 13    ;LCD screen on, block cursor
    #define under   = 14    ;LCD screen on, underline cursor
    #define undblk  = 15    ;LCD screen on, blinking and underline cursor
    #define CLeft   = 16    ;cursor left
    #define CRight  = 20    ;cursor right
    #define panR    = 24    ;pan viewing window right
    #define panL    = 28    ;pan viewing window left
    #define bus4    = 32    ;4-bit data bus mode
    #define bus8    = 48    ;8-bit data bus mode
    #define mode1   = 32    ;one-line mode (alias)
    #define mode2   = 40    ;two-line mode
    #define line1   = 128   ;go to start of line 1
    #define line2   = 192   ;go to start of line 2
    ;----- Variables
    dim char, msn, lsn, index, ii as byte
    ;----- Main Program
    LoadEeprom              ;load the EEprom with strings

    do forever
        printMsg(0)             ;print first message
        wait 3 S                ;pause 3 seconds
        printMsg(2)             ;print next message
        wait 3 S                ;pause 3 seconds
        repeat 5                ;blink it five times
          LCDCmd(lcdOff)       ;display off
          wait 500 mS           ;pause
          LCDCmd(lcdOn)        ;display on
          wait 500 mS           ;pause
        end repeat
        wait 1 S                ;pause before next demo
        ;demonstrate panning
        printMsg(4)             ;print next message
        wait 3 S                ;pause 3 seconds
        repeat 16
          LCDCmd(panL)         ;pan left a step at a time
          wait 300 mS           ;slow down to avoid blur
        end repeat
        repeat 16
          LCDCmd(panR)         ;then pan right
          wait 300 mS
        end repeat
        wait 1 S                ;pause before next demo
                                ;demonstrate moving the cursor
        printMsg(6)             ;print next message
        wait 3 S                ;pause 3 seconds
        LCDCmd(under)          ;choose underline cursor
        for ii = 0 to 15         ;move cursor across first line
          wait 200 mS
        next i
        for ii = 0 to 15         ;move cursor across second line
          wait 200 mS
        next i
        for ii = 15 to 0 step -1 ;move cursor back over second line
          wait 200 mS
        next i
        for ii = 15 to 0 step -1 ;move cursor back over first line
          wait 200 mS
        next i
        wait 3 S
        ;demonstrate blinking block cursor
        printMsg(8)             ;print next message
        LCDHome                  ;home the cursor
        LCDCmd(block)          ;choose blinking block cursor
        wait 4 S                ;pause 4 seconds
        LCDCmd(mode1)          ;change to one long line mode
        LCDHome                  ;home the cursor again
        LCDCmd(curOff)         ;and disable it

        ;demonstrate scrolling a lengthy one-line marquee
        for ii = 0xd0 to 0xff    ;print next message - the remaining EEPROM
          EPread ii, char        ;fetch directly from eeprom
          print chr(char)
        next i
        wait 1 S
        LCDHome                  ;home cursor once more
        repeat 141               ;scroll message twice
          wait 250 mS
        end repeat
        wait 2 S
        LCDCmd(mode2)          ;change back to two line mode
        CLS                   ;clear the screen
        ;demonstrate all of the characters
        printMsg(11)             ;print next message
        for ii = 33 to 127       ;print first batch of ASCII characters
          LCDCmd(line1+12)       ;overwrite each character displayed
          print chr(ii)          ;this is the ASCII code
          wait 500 mS
        next i
        for ii = 161 to 255      ;print next batch of ASCII characters
          print chr(ii)
          wait 500 mS
        next i
        ;say good-bye
        printMsg(11)             ;print next message
        LCDHome                  ;home the cursor

    ;----- Print a message to the LCD
    ;The parameter 'row' points to the start of the string.
    sub printMsg(in row as byte, in Optional StringLength As Byte = 15)
      Locate 0, 0              ;get set for first line

      for ii = 0 to StringLength
        index = row*16+ii
        EPread index, char        ;fetch next character and
        print chr(char)             ;transmit to the LCD

      Locate 1,0              ;get set for second line
      for ii = 0 to StringLength
        index = (row+1)*16+ii
        EPread index, char        ;fetch next character and
        print chr(char)             ;transmit to the LCD
    end sub

    sub loadEeprom

    ' Strings for EEPROM, Strings should be limited to 16 characters for the first 13 sstrings, then a long string to fill eeprom
    WriteEeprom "First we'll show"
    WriteEeprom "this message.   "
    WriteEeprom "Then we'll blink"
    WriteEeprom "five times.     "
    WriteEeprom "Now lets pan    "
    WriteEeprom "left and right. "
    WriteEeprom "Watch the line  "
    WriteEeprom "cursor move.    "
    WriteEeprom "A block cursor  "
    WriteEeprom "is available.   "
    WriteEeprom "Characters:     "
    WriteEeprom "Bye!            "
    WriteEeprom "in one line mode"
    WriteEeprom "Next well scroll this long message as a marquee"
    end sub

    ; Write to the device eeprom
    sub WriteEeprom ( in Estring() )

        Dim eeLocation as Byte 'if the EEPROM size was larger than 256 bytes then this would need to be a WORD

        for eeLocation = 1 to len ( Estring )
            HSersend Estring( eeLocation )
            epwrite eeLocation, Estring( eeLocation )
    end sub

Supported in <LCD.H>