This section covers GLCD devices that use the ST7920 graphics controller.
The GCBASIC constants for control of the connectivity are shown
in the table below. The only connectivity option the 8-bit mode where 8
pins are connected between the microcontroller and the GLCD to control the
data bus.
The ST7920 GLCD is graphics and character mixed mode display.
ST7920 LCD controller/driver IC can display alphabets, numbers, Chinese
fonts and self-defined characters. It supports 3 kinds of bus interface,
namely 8-bit, 4-bit and serial. GCBASIC is currently supports
8-bit only. For LCD only operations (text characters only) you can use
the GCBASIC LCD routines.
All functions, including display RAM, Character Generation ROM, LCD
display drivers and control circuits are all in a one-chip solution.
With a minimum system configuration, a Chinese character display system
can be easily achieved.
The ST7920 includes character ROM with 8192 16x16 dots Chinese fonts and
126 16x8 dots half-width alphanumerical fonts. It supports 64x256 dots
graphic display area for graphic display (GDRAM). Mix-mode display with
both character and graphic data is possible. ST7920 has built-in CGRAM
and provide 4 sets software programmable 16x16 fonts.
To use the ST7920 driver simply include the following in your user code. This will initialise the driver.
#include <glcd.h> #DEFINE GLCD_TYPE GLCD_TYPE_ST7920 #define GLCD_Enable PORTA.1 'example port setting #define GLCD_RS PORTa.0 'example port setting #define GLCD_RW PORTA.2 'example port setting #define GLCD_RESET PORTA.3 'example port setting #define GLCD_DATA_PORT PORTD 'example port setting
The GCBASIC constants for the interface to the controller are shown in the table below.
Constants | Controls | Options |
Required |
Specifies the output port that is connected between the microcontroller and the GLCD. |
Required |
Specifies the output pin that is connected to Register Select on the GLCD. |
Required |
Specifies the output pin that is connected to Read/Write on the GLCD. The R/W pin can be disabled*. |
Must be defined unless R/W is disabled), see |
Specifies the output pin that is connected to Reset on the GLCD. |
Required |
Specifies the output pin that is connected to Enable on the GLCD. |
Required |
Disables read/write inspection of the device during read/write operations |
Optional, but recommend NOT to set.
The R/W pin can be disabled by setting the |
Constants that control the timing of the library |
Set the time delay between read data transmissions. |
Optional, set to |
Set the time delay between write data transmissions. |
Optional, set to ' read delay of 25 is required at 32mhz, this can be reduced to 0 for slower clock speeds #DEFINE ST7920READDELAY 25 ' write delay of 2 is required at 32mhz. this can be reduced to 1 for slower clock speeds #DEFINE ST7920WRITEDELAY 2 |
The GCBASIC constants for control display characteristics are shown in the table below.
Constants | Controls | Default |
The width parameter of the GLCD |
The height parameter of the GLCD |
The GCBASIC commands supported for this GLCD are shown in the table below. For device specific see the commands with the prefix of ST7920*.
Command | Purpose | Example |
Clear screen of GLCD |
Print string of characters on GLCD using GCB font set |
Print character on GLCD using GCB font set |
Print characters on GLCD using GCB font set |
Draw a box on the GLCD to a specific size |
Draw a box on the GLCD to a specific size that is filled with the foreground colour. |
Draw a line on the GLCD to a specific length that is filled with the specific attribute. |
Set a pixel on the GLCD at a specific position that is set with the specific attribute. |
The following methods ( calls ) are available for expert use.
Set a byte value to the controller, see the datasheet for usage. |
Read a byte value from the controller, see the datasheet for usage. |
For a TS7920 datasheet, please refer here.
This example shows how to drive a ST7920 based Graphic LCD module with the built in commands of GCBASIC. See Graphic LCD for details, this is an external web site.
Example 1:
;Chip Settings #CHIP 16F1937,32 #CONFIG MCLRE_ON #INCLUDE <GLCD.H> #DEFINE GLCD_TYPE GLCD_TYPE_ST7920 #DEFINE GLCD_IO 8 #DEFINE GLCD_WIDTH 128 #DEFINE GLCD_HEIGHT 160 ' read delay of 25 is required at 32mhz, this can be reduced to 0 for slower clock speeds #DEFINE ST7920READDELAY 25 ' write delay of 2 is required at 32mhz. this can be reduced to 1 for slower clock speeds #DEFINE ST7920WRITEDELAY 2 #DEFINE GLCD_RS PORTA.0 #DEFINE GLCD_ENABLE PORTA.1 #DEFINE GLCD_RW PORTA.2 #DEFINE GLCD_RESET PORTA.3 #DEFINE GLCD_DATA_PORT PORTD ST7920GLCDEnableGraphics GLCDClearGraphics_ST7920 GLCDPrint 0, 1, "GCBASIC " wait 1 s GLCDCLS GLCDClearGraphics_ST7920 rrun = 0 dim msg1 as string * 16 dim xradius, yordinate , radiusErr, incrementalxradius, orginalxradius, orginalyordinate as Integer Do forever GLCDCLS GLCDClearGraphics_ST7920 ;clear screen GLCDDrawString 30,0,"ChipMhz@" ;print string GLCDDrawString 78,0, str(ChipMhz) ;print string Circle(10,10,10,0) ;upper left Circle(117,10,10,0) ;upper right Circle(63,31,10,0) ;center Circle(63,31,20,0) ;center Circle(10,53,10,0) ;lower left Circle(117,53,10,0) ;lower right GLCDDrawString 30,54,"PIC16F1937" ;print string wait 1 s ;wait FilledBox( 0,0,128,63) ;create box for ypos = 0 to 63 ;draw row by row Line 0,ypos,128, 0 ;draw line next wait 1 s ;wait GLCDClearGraphics_ST7920 ;clear loop
Example 2:
;Chip Settings #CHIP 16F1937,32 #CONFIG MCLRE_ON #INCLUDE <GLCD.H> #DEFINE GLCD_TYPE GLCD_TYPE_ST7920 #DEFINE GLCD_IO 8 #DEFINE GLCD_WIDTH 128 #DEFINE GLCD_HEIGHT 160 ' read delay of 25 is required at 32mhz, this can be reduced to 0 for slower clock speeds #DEFINE ST7920READDELAY 25 ' write delay of 2 is required at 32mhz. this can be reduced to 1 for slower clock speeds #DEFINE ST7920WRITEDELAY 2 #DEFINE GLCD_RS PORTA.0 #DEFINE GLCD_ENABLE PORTA.1 #DEFINE GLCD_RW PORTA.2 #DEFINE GLCD_RESET PORTA.3 #DEFINE GLCD_DATA_PORT PORTD WAIT 1 S GLCDEnableGraphics_ST7920 GLCDClearGraphics_ST7920 Tile_ST7920 "A" GLCDPrint 0, 1, "GCBASIC " GLCDCLS rrun = 0 dim msg1 as string * 16 do forever GLCDEnableGraphics_ST7920 GLCDClearGraphics_ST7920 GTile_ST7920 0x55, 0x55 wait 1 s GLCDClearGraphics_ST7920 Lineh_ST7920(0, 0, GLCD_WIDTH) Lineh_ST7920(0, GLCD_HEIGHT - 1, GLCD_WIDTH) Linev_ST7920(0, 0, GLCD_HEIGHT) Linev_ST7920(GLCD_WIDTH - 1, 0, GLCD_HEIGHT) Box 18,30,28,40 WAIT 2 S FilledBox 18,30,28,40 GLCDClearGraphics_ST7920 Start: GLCDDrawString 0,10,"Hello" 'Print Hello wait 1 s GLCDDrawString 0,10, "ASCII #:" 'Print ASCII #: Box 18,30,28,40 'Draw Box Around ASCII Character for char = 0x30 to 0x39 'Print 0 through 9 GLCDDrawString 16, 20 , Str(char)+" " GLCDdrawCHAR 20, 30, char wait 250 ms next line 0,50,127,50 'Draw Line using line command for xvar = 0 to 80 'draw line using Pset command pset xvar,63,on ' next FilledBox 18,30,28,40 'Draw Box Around ASCII Character Wait 1 s GLCDClearGraphics_ST7920 GLCDDrawString 0,10,"End " wait 1 s GLCDClearGraphics_ST7920 workingGLCDDrawChar: GLCDEnableGraphics_ST7920 dim gtext as string gtext = "ST7920 @QC12864B" for xchar = 1 to gtext(0) 'Print 0 through 9 xxpos = (1+(xchar*6)-6) GLCDDrawChar xxpos , 0 , gtext(xchar) next GLCDDrawString 1, 9, "GCBASIC" GLCDDrawString 1, 18,"GLCD 128*64" GLCDDrawString 1, 27,"Using GLCD.H from GCB" GLCDDrawString 1, 37,"Using GLCD.H GCB" GLCDDrawString 1, 45,"GLCDDrawChar method" GLCDDrawString 1, 54,"Test Routines" wait 1 s GLCDClearGraphics_ST7920 ST7920GLCDDisableGraphics GLCDCLS msg1 = "Run = " +str(rrun) rrun++ GLCDPrint 0, 0, "ST7920 @QC12864B" GLCDPrint 0, 1, "GCBASIC " GLCDPrint 0, 2, "GLCD 128*64" GLCDPrint 0, 3, msg1 wait 5 s GLCDCLS ' show all chars... takes some time! ST7920CallBuiltinChar wait 1 s GLCDCLS ' See ' and see for the FONTS!! dim BIG5code as word 'ST7920 can display half-width HCGROM fonts, user- defined CGRAM fonts and full 16x16 CGROM fonts. The 'character codes in 0000H~0006H will use user- defined fonts in CGRAM. The character codes in 02H~7FH will use 'half-width alpha numeric fonts. The character code larger than A1H will be treated as 16x16 fonts and will be 'combined with the next byte automatically. The 16x16 BIG5 fonts are stored in A140H~D75FH while the 16x16 GB 'fonts are stored in A1A0H~F7FFH. In short: '1. To display HCGROM fonts: 'Write 2 bytes of data into DDRAM to display two 8x16 fonts. Each byte represents 1 character. 'The data is among 02H~7FH. '2. To display CGRAM fonts: 'Write 2 bytes of data into DDRAM to display one 16x16 font. 'Only 0000H, 0002H, 0004H and 0006H are acceptable. '3. To display CGROM fonts: 'Write 2 bytes of data into DDRAM to display one 16x16 font. 'A140H~D75FH are BIG5 code, A1A0H~F7FFH are GB code. 'To display HCGROM fonts ' Write 2 bytes of data into DDRAM to display two 8x16 fonts. Each byte represents 1 character. ' The data is among 02H~7FH. ' The english characters set... linetest1: GLCDEnableGraphics_ST7920 wait 1 s GLCDClearGraphics_ST7920 'lineh test LineH_ST7920(0, 0, GLCD_WIDTH) LineH_ST7920(0, GLCD_HEIGHT - 1, GLCD_WIDTH) LineV_ST7920(0, 0, GLCD_HEIGHT) LineV_ST7920(GLCD_WIDTH - 1, 0, GLCD_HEIGHT) ' box test LineH_ST7920(10 ,0 , 118 ) LineH_ST7920(0 ,8 , 128) LineH_ST7920(16 ,16 , 96 ) LineH_ST7920(10 ,32 , 108 ) LineH_ST7920(0, 16, GLCD_WIDTH) LineH_ST7920(0, 24, GLCD_WIDTH) LineH_ST7920(0, 32, GLCD_WIDTH) LineH_ST7920(0, 40, GLCD_WIDTH) LineH_ST7920(0, 48, GLCD_WIDTH) LineH_ST7920(0, 56, GLCD_WIDTH) LineH_ST7920(0, 63, GLCD_WIDTH) LineV_ST7920(16, 0, GLCD_HEIGHT) LineV_ST7920(17, 0, GLCD_HEIGHT) LineV_ST7920(15, 0, GLCD_HEIGHT) LineV_ST7920(46, 0, GLCD_HEIGHT) LineV_ST7920(47, 0, GLCD_HEIGHT) LineV_ST7920(48, 0, GLCD_HEIGHT) LineV_ST7920(46, 0, GLCD_HEIGHT) LineV_ST7920(47, 0, GLCD_HEIGHT) LineV_ST7920(48, 0, GLCD_HEIGHT) LineV_ST7920(96, 0, GLCD_HEIGHT) LineV_ST7920(97, 0, GLCD_HEIGHT) LineV_ST7920(98, 0, GLCD_HEIGHT) for HCGROM = 0 to GLCD_WIDTH step 8 LineV_ST7920(HCGROM, 0, GLCD_HEIGHT) next GraphicTestPlace: GLCDClearGraphics_ST7920 GraphicTest_ST7920 GLCDClearGraphics_ST7920 ' Test draw a line for yrowpos = 0 to 63 step 4 LineH_ST7920(0, yrowpos, GLCD_WIDTH) next GLCDClearGraphics_ST7920 ST7920GLCDDisableGraphics GLCDCLS SetIcon_ST7920( 1, 0x55 ) loop sub ST7920CallBuiltinChar ' 0xA140 ~ 0xA15F for ii = 0 to 31 WriteData_ST7920( 0xA1) WriteData_ST7920( 0x40 + ii) next wait 1 s GLCDCLS ' 0xA140 ~ 0xA15F for ii = 0 to 31 WriteData_ST7920( 0xA1) WriteData_ST7920( 0xb0 + ii) next wait 1 s GLCDCLS ' 0xA140 ~ 0xA15F for ii = 0 to 31 WriteData_ST7920( 0xA4) WriteData_ST7920( 0x40 + ii) next wait 1 s GLCDCLS end sub
For more help, see GLCDCLS, GLCDDrawChar, GLCDPrint, GLCDReadByte, GLCDWriteByte or Pset
Supported in <GLCD.H>