

  HserPrintByteCRLF  user_data [, 1 | 2  | 3 | 4 ]

Command Availability:

Available on all microcontrollers with a USART or UART module.

Microchip PIC supports USART1 and 2.
Atmel AVR supports USART 1,2,3 and 4.

Enabling Constants:

To enable the use of the USART these are the enabling constants.   These constants are required.  You can change the USART_BAUD_RATE and to meet your needs.  For addition USART ports use #define USARTn_BAUD_RATE 9600 where n` is the required port number.

    'USART settings for USART1
    #define USART_BAUD_RATE 9600
    #define USART_DELAY OFF


This command will send a byte given by user_data using the hardware USART module and then send the ASCII codes 13 and 10. ASCII codes 13 and 10 equate to a carriage return and line feed.


  'This program will send the status of PORTB through the hardware serial module.

  HserPrintByteCRLF 65    ' Will print a single A on the terminal
  HserPrintByteCRLF "A"   ' Will print a single A on the terminal

See also HserPrintCRLF