

    out_string = Pad( string_variable, byte_value_of_the_new_length, pad_character)

Command Availability:

Available on all microcontrollers


The Pad function is used to create string to a specific length that is extended with a specific character.

The length of the string is specified by the second parameter. The character used to pad the string is specified by the third parameter.

A typical use is to pad a string to be displayed on a LCD display.


 'Set chip model
    #chip 16f877a

    DIR PORTA 0x03

    ' make port C as output
    Dir PortC 0x0

    'Defines (Constants)
    #define LCD_SPEED slow
    #define LCD_IO 4
    #define LCD_WIDTH 20                ;specified lcd width for clarity only.  20 is the default width
    #define LCD_NO_RW
    #define LCD_Enable PORTc.0
    #define LCD_RS PORTc.1
    #define LCD_DB4 PORTa.5
    #define LCD_DB5 PORTa.4
    #define LCD_DB6 PORTa.3
    #define LCD_DB7 PORTa.2
    '''-------End of board-specific settings-------

    '''DEMO for pad strings to a length
    '''1st character of a given string.
    '''if no string is given, blanks are used

    ; ---- variables
    'Define the string
    Dim TestData As String * 16
    TestData = "Location"

    'show results on LCD-Display
    Print Pad ( TestData, 16, "*" )
    Locate 1,0
    Print Pad ( TestData, 16, )
