

    For counter = start To end [Step increment]
    program code
    <condition> Exit For

Command Availability:

Available on all microcontrollers.


The For command is ideal for situations where a piece of code needs to be run a set number of times, and where it is necessary to keep track of how many times the code has run. When the For command is first executed, counter is set to start. Then, each successive time the program loops, increment is added to counter, until counter is equal to end. Then, the program continues beyond the Next.

Step and increment are optionals. If Step is not specified, GCBASIC will increment counter by 1 each time the code is run.

Step is an integer value.  Step value can positive of negative.  When using advanced variable you must cast the step value as an integer, see the example below.

increment can be a positive or negative constant or an integer.

The Exit For is optional and can be used to exit the loop upon a specific condition.


#define USELEGACYFORNEXT to enable legacy FOR-NEXT support.   The GCBASIC compiler was revised in 2021 to improve the handling of the FOR-NEXT support.   You can revert to the legacy FOR-NEXT support by using #DEFINE USELEGACYFORNEXT but using this legacy support will cause your program to operate incorrectly.    The use of #DEFINE USELEGACYFORNEXT is NOT recommended.


Example 1:

    'This code will flash a green light 6 times.

    #chip 16F88, 8

    #define LED PORTB.0
    Dir LED Out

    For LoopCounter = 1 to 6

      PulseOut Led, 1 s
      Wait 1 s


Example 2:

'This code will flash alternate LEDS until the switch is pressed.

    #chip 16F88, 8

    #define LED1 PORTB.0
    Dir LED1 Out
    #define LED2 PORTB.2
    Dir LED2 Out

    #define SWITCH1 PORTA.0
    Dir SWITCH1 In
    PulseOut LED1, 1 s
    For LoopCounterOut = 1 to 250

      PulseOut LED2, 4 Ms
      if switch = On then Exit For

    Set LED2 OFF
    goto main

Example 3:

This example show casting the step value as an integer.  The step value in this example is the integer value of 2.

        // Create a constant
        Pi = 22/7

    Dim myCircumference, myRadius as Single
    Dim myDiameter as Single Alias myCircumference_E, myCircumference_U, myCircumference_H, myCircumference


    For MyRadius = 0.5 to 10.5 step [integer]2
        myCircumference=myRadius * Pi * 2
        HSerPrint "myRadius = " + ltrim(SingleToString(myRadius))
        HSerPrintStringCRLF " myCircumference = " + ltrim(SingleToString(myCircumference))

For more help, see Repeat