HPWMOff ( channel ) 'selectively turn off the CCP channel HPWMOff 'turn off CCP channel 1 only
Command Availability:
Only available on Microchip PIC microcontrollers with Capture&Compare/PWM (CCP) modules.
This command will disable the output of the CCP1/PWM module on the Microchip PIC chip.
'Select chip model and speed #chip 16F877A, 20 'Set the CCP1 pin to output mode DIR PORTC.2 out 'Main code do 'Turn up brightness over 2.5 seconds For Bright = 1 to 255 HPWM 1, 40, Bright wait 10 ms next wait 1 s HPWMOff ( 1 )' turn off the PWM channel loop
For more help, see HPWMOff