myNum ‘Gets a multi digit number from USART 1HSerGetNum
myNum,1 ‘Get a multi digit number from USART 1HSerGetNum
myNum,2 ‘Get a multi digit number from USART 2
When the variable type is a word the number range is 0 to 65535 When the variable type is a long the number range is 0 to 99999
Command Availability:
Available on all microcontrollers with a USART or UART module.
Microchip PIC supports USART1 and 2.
Atmel AVR supports USART 1,2,3 and 4.
Enabling Constants:
To enable the use of the USART these are the enabling constants. These constants are required. You can change the USART_BAUD_RATE
and to meet your needs. For addition USART ports use #define USARTn_BAUD_RATE 9600
where n`
is the required port number.
'USART settings for USART1 #define USART_BAUD_RATE 9600 #define USART_TX_BLOCKING #define USART_DELAY OFF
This command will read a multi digit number received as ascii chars followed by a CR from an external serial source using a hardware serial module. The command checks that only numbers are input disregarding other characters while waiting for the ending <CR>. It can be used only as a subroutine.
'This program receives a number and CR from a PC terminal and sends it back on both usarts #chip 18f26k22, 16 'Set the pin directions #define USART_BAUD_RATE 9600 #define USART_BLOCKING #define USART2_BAUD_RATE 9600 #define USART2_BLOCKING 'Init pins #define SerInPort PORTc.7 'usart1 in #define SerOutPort PORTc.6 'usart2 out 'Set pin directions Dir SerOutPort Out Dir SerInPort In Dir PORTB.6 Out 'USART2 out Dir PORTB.7 In 'USArt2 in Dir PORTB.0 Out 'leds for testing Dir PORTB.1 Out 'leds for testing Wait 100 Ms 'Variables Dim myNum as Word 'Main body of program commences here. 'Message after reset HSerPrint "18F26k22" HSerPrintCRLF 'Main routine Do forever 'wait for char from UART 'HSerReceive InChar HSerGetNum myNum,2 'from usart 2 HSerPrint myNum,1 ' send out usart 1 HSerPrint myNum,2 'send out usart 2 HSerPrintCRLF 1,2 'send one CRLF out usart 2 HserPrintCRLF 1,1 ‘send one CRLF out usart 1 loop
Example: This program receives number on serial port 1 and displays. This example shows using a Long as the input variable.
Therefore, the result is in the range of 0-99999. The example also shows how to detect a buffer overrun by testing the HSerInByte variable.
#chip mega328p, 16 #define USART_BAUD_RATE 9600 #define USART_BLOCKING Dim myNum as Long ' range 0 to 99999 HSerPrint "Restarted" HSerPrintCRLF Do HSerGetNum myNum HSerPrint myNum if HSerInByte <> 13 then HSerSend 9 HSerPrint "Error buffer overrun" 'You should handle error appropiately End if HSerPrintCRLF loop End
See also HSerReceive and HSerGetString