SRAMRead location, store or store = SRAMRead location
Command Availability:
Available on all Microchip PIC and Atmel AVR microcontrollers with SRAM data memory attached.
is the method, a function or a subroutine, used to read information from the SRAM data storage.
represents the location to read data from.
is the variable in which to store the data after it has been read from SRAM.
#include <uno_mega328p.h> #option explicit 'Set up SRAM #define SPISRAM_CS DIGITAL_5 'Also known as SS, or Slave Select #define SPISRAM_SCK DIGITAL_13 'Also known as CLK #define SPISRAM_DO DIGITAL_11 'Also known as MOSI #define SPISRAM_DI DIGITAL_12 'Also known as MISO #define SPISRAM_HARDWARESPI #define SPISRAM_TYPE SRAM_23LC1024 '******************************************************************************** 'Main program dim in_byte as byte 'Using a function: Read from SRAM location 0x10 and place the results in the variable in_byte in_byte = SRAMRead ( 0x10 ) 'Using a subroutine: Read from SRAM location 0x10 and place the results in the variable in_byte SRAMRead ( 0x10, in_byte )
For more help, see SRAM Overview or SRAMWrite