Using connection mode 10:
The LCD is controlled via I2C of a type 10 LCD 12C adapter. Use LCD_IO 10 for the YwRobot LCD1602 IIC V1 or the Sainsmart LCD_PIC I2C adapter. To use mode 10 you must define the I2C ports as normal in your GCBASIC code. Then, define the LCD type, set the I2C_address of the LCD adapter and the LCD speed, if required. Finally, set the backlight control, if required.
Relevant Constants:
These constants are used to control settings for the Liquid Crystal Display routines included with GCBASIC. To set them, place a line in the main program file that uses #define to assign a value to the particular constant.
Constant Name | Controls | Value |
The I/O mode. Must be 10 |
Address of I2C adapter |
Default |
Address of I2C adapter |
Not set |
Address of I2C adapter |
Not set |
Address of I2C adapter |
Not set |
For code examples see I2C LCD Solutions.
See the separate sections of the Help file for the specifics of each Connection Mode.
For more help, see LCD_IO 0, LCD_IO 1, LCD_IO 2, LCD_IO 2_74xx164, LCD_IO 2_74xx174, LCD_IO 4, LCD_IO 8, LCD_IO 12