Lots of new Drivers 26-Jan-2015
A new release. It has been a busy winter so far!
- Lots of new drivers and code has been posted. A revised LCD.H driver file. Revised handling of printing Hex strings, improved cursor handling, new backlight controls. Thank you William Roth.A revised DS1307.h driver file. Easier to use Real Time Clock , better documentation, plus sample programs are also available. Supports hardware and software I2C.
- A new DS3231.h driver file. Easier to use Real Time Clock but with two alarms, better documentation, plus sample programs are also available. Supports hardware and software I2C.
- A new MCP7940N.h file. Easier to use Real Time Clock but with two alarms, better documentation, plus sample programs are also available. Supports hardware and software I2C.
- A new Nokia PCD8544.h driver file. A mono GCB driver for Nokia displays. All the standard GCB graphics controls - lines, box, circles etc.
- A revised Help File with lots of new information. See the online version for the latest information.